Home > Square 1 - Age 31

Square 1 - Age 31

June 14th, 2011 at 06:18 pm

OK, I really need to get it together. Sure I screwed up royally in 2007 by buying a half a million dollar house that was falling apart and situated behind a pylon yard, sinking mine and my DH's entire savings and subsequently wasting paying a large mortgage the next 2 years. Yes, two years later the mofo CPS were FALSELY sicked on my family by incredibly thoughtless apt neighbors. (I cannot even begin to describe the hellish experience that was, but I'll save that post for another day. On the record, my encounter with that whole CPS issue was so disturbing I totally changed how I view our political reality. It's so depressing when you think about it.)

Anywho....So here I am, with family in tow living back at home with the parents. Rent free, at 31. WTF, right?

I know it all sounds bad on paper....BUT Smile
I swear we have it under control. We're saving rapidly so we can buy another house soon, I'm assuming we might have to pay for it in cash. We are def not doing apts anytime soon. I can assure next foray into buying a home will be NOTHING like my first.

Getting It Together: Don't let others distract you from what it is you really want out of life.

3 Responses to “Square 1 - Age 31”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    Wow, that sounds crazy about CPS. I hope everything turned out OK in the end.

    As for the rest of it, if you feel like it's under control, it probably is. When we were starting at the very bottom of our low point, I know our friends shared pitying glances when we'd be scraping together a couple bucks for a beer (or turning down invites because we couldn't even do that). But we knew we were finally on the right path, so I didn't care what it looked like to the outside world. In fact, two of our friends who always spent in a carefree way during our scrimping and saving period have since then financially imploded and had to start over at an even lower point financially than we did (we did manage to hang onto our house). So appearances aren't everything. Rent-free with the parents sounds like an excellent way to get back on your feet (if not optimal from a living-situation standpoint).

  2. Jerry Says:

    The fact that you are doing the saving and necessary things that will lead you to where you want to go is exactly what makes a nightmare story not have a nightmare ending! Smile Congrats on staying focused and making things happen the way you want them to be, and I hope that you have some insurance that you can steer clear of the ugliness caused by others in the past. Good luck!

  3. dtjunkie Says:

    "(if not optimal from a living-situation standpoint)"....
    Ceejay, you have NO IDEA. Lol. Gotta laugh or else I'll cry. This is 4 mos. later after the post.

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